Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation, things to know

happycoupleGynecologists often asked questions about sex, including absence of interest, discomfort and sometimes pain during the sexual intercourse or sometimes about difficulties with erection and orgasm. In recent years, dissatisfaction with the look and feel of external genitalia, pain or loose vagina after normal childbirth have increased the interest in “relatively” newer sexual enhancement surgery (Visit Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Virginia to learn more). In the United States only, around 43% of women of different ages have experienced some kind of sexual problems – for healthy sex life, it is very important that both women and men to address the sexual health issues, recently, this topic has been brought to the top of the health issues list by international organizations such as the World Health Organization and has become part of the curriculum in the U.S medical schools.

Cosmetic gynecological surgeries including Labiaplasty are often confused with reconstructive pelvic surgery, for example the anti-incontinence surgery and prolapse repairs procedures (For more info, visit Labiaplasty Procedure in Virginia, click here). The issue of the Cosmetic Gynecological procedure is a complex issue and goes beyond the normal discussion over other gynecological issues, LVR surgery is now heavily advertised by cosmetic gynecologists and media as a way to enhace the sexual gratification. Other cosmetic procedures include designer vaginoplasty,” “Labiaplasty,” “vulvar liposculpturing,” and “G-spot amplification.” Some of these surgeries are form of traditional urogynecologic surgeries. Some of these procedures are done to change the look of labia majora or minora or to restore the hymen.

The Labiaplasty and the Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are getting very common and are considered the third fastest-growing procedures in aesthetic surgery according to researchers. The costs of these surgeries vary depending on many different factors. Supporters of vaginal rejuvenation cosmetic surgeries say that they would perform this kind of procedure on women who have valid and real reasons about the look and/or function of their bodies and have the right to look for medical solutions as with other parts of their bodies even in the absence of dysfunction or deformity. Opponents of the LVR and Labiaplasty question the safety, usefulness, the added benefits from a laser, and psychosocial benefit of these surgeries if no legitimate reason is present. Many also believe that external vaginal procedures may affect the appearance of the genitalia but may not serve a better functional role.

When a woman goes to a Cosmetic OBGYN to seek info regarding the LVR surgery, the gynecologist should explore the motivation behind the patient’s desire for this surgery before agreeing to perform the surgery. The cosmetic gynecology specialist needs to educate his patients about this procedure. In general, procedure such as Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Virginia and Labiaplasty, are relatively low or risk-free and patients in most cases do not expect significant discomfort or problems after the procedure is done, it is important for the doctor to inform the patient fully about all alternatives and the potential risks of pain, infection, etc.