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Many women experience vaginal prolapse or rectal prolapse of some degree in their lifetime. The latin meaning of prolapse, by Merriam-Webster, is defined as to fall or slide forward. There are many forms of prolapse including uterine, bladder and rectal that we see in women’s health. There are many reasons for prolapse, a few being: normal aging, lack of estrogen, multiple pregnancies, a history of vaginal delivery, smoking and obesity. Some women prior to their diagnosis of prolapse describe their symptoms as a pressure in their pelvis, a bulging at their vagina, feeling like they are sitting on a ball or block, and pain with intercourse.

Prolapse can lead to problems with urination, leaking of urination, difficulty having a bowel movement, pain with intercourse, higher risk of infection, and pain. Prolapse has varying degrees and does not require medical treatment unless causing problems with her life. Prolapse can be diagnosed at our office with a simple pelvic exam, and options to improve your prolapse can be discussed with you at your visit.

Our expert Gynecologist (GYN) Dr. Jack Ayoub offers his Loudoun County patients a comprehensive assessment of their symptoms. It is always recommended that before you make any decision regarding your health, you must fully understand the nature and the extent of your condition. You may not address the symptom, but the cause of it for best and long-lasting outcome. After the options have been presented to you in a manner you can make an educated decision, Dr. Ayoub, specializes in gynecological procedures including vaginal rejuvenation and Labiaplasty, our expert staff will be able to meet your satisfaction through the proper surgical treatment. Schedule an appointment, or call us at (703) 858-5599 to discuss your options.