Hysterectomy surgery in Loudoun County, VA
In performing the a minimally invasive procedure hysterectomy in Loudoun County, VA, Dr. Ayoub will remove the uterus through a small, less visible incisions in a variety of areas. Scars are rarely visible after hysterectomies and not all patients are suited for this procedure. Dr. Jack Ayoub who is a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist is […]
Hysterectomy in Loudoun County VA
A hysterectomy is a procedure wherein Board Certified OB/GYN Dr. Jack Ayoub removes the patient’s uterus to treat a medical condition. There are many different types of hysterectomies, including: TVH (Transvaginal Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) TLH ( Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) LAVH (Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) TRH (Total Robotic Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) TAH […]