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Minerva Surgery in Loudoun County, VA

What is Minerva? Minerva is the first new endometrial ablation device on the market in the last 15 years and was designed address some of the drawbacks of previous endometrial ablation systems. Why Minerva? Minerva reduces patient discomfort during and after the procedure, provides additional safety features, and improves the percentage of patients who experience […]

Hysterectomy in Loudoun County VA

A hysterectomy is a procedure wherein Board Certified OB/GYN Dr. Jack Ayoub removes the patient’s uterus to treat a medical condition. There are many different types of hysterectomies, including: TVH (Transvaginal Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) TLH ( Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) LAVH (Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) TRH (Total Robotic Hysterectomy, Minimally invasive) TAH […]

Endometriosis Specialist in Loudoun County, VA

Endometriosis is a common misconception that monthly or daily menstrual pain is normal. If you have been given birth control pills as a way to help with menstrual pain or have been told to “deal with the pain”, scheduler your consultation with Dr. Ayoub today. What is Endometriosis Endometriosis is a condition where the lining […]